Category Archives: Random Events, Free Will or Something Darker?

How the Fashion Industry Affects Women!

It would be easy to assume the glitzy world of high fashion has little bearing on the every day lives of women, it may be even harder to see a spiritual link with the fashion industry.

However, as Prophet TV can testify the world of high fashion is one of intense spiritual activity. When in 2010 Prophet TV first targeted the New York Fashion Week we exposed high level witchcraft and spirits of death- the likes of which are hard to find in any other sphere. Through intense intercession these spirits have been challenged and we can see results in the trends being released in the fashion world; we also saw earlier this year the exposure of fashion designer John Galliano in Paris.

However, why does this matter. The fashion industry creates a covering, and mantle which comes upon those who partake of it. What spirit influences the designs and fashions filters down to affect what you wear, and what your children wear.

What spirit is behind the “look” of super-skinny? Why do fashion magazines portray an image of beauty only attainable through near starvation, where the models look like famine victims? These are not images of health and beauty. Consistently in scientific studies it is proven men do not find this type of woman attractive, so why is it pushed as sexy and beautiful? As a result of the continual bombardment of extremely skinny models young, pre-pubescent girls now believe the ideal body image of a grown woman is more like that of a taller version of a pre-teen: without curves and tiny breasts. Is it any wonder these girls struggle with their own body image as they enter adolescence and nature creates the breasts and curves of womanhood? Are these fashion magazines imparting a spirit of anorexia to your daughters?

Are you aware that many of the most influential fashion designers of women’s clothes are homosexual men, many of them use as their muse’s effeminate men, often their own lovers? A new trend has began to emerge: the use of men to model female clothes. Currently one of the most in demand models is transgender model Lea T, the Brazilian model born Leandro Cerez, was the muse of the creative director of Givenchy, Riccardo Tisci, and he hired him/her as his fit model. Lea T is currently undergoing a full sex change and now exclusively models female clothes.

God created us male and female, however the spirit over the fashion industry seems to push an agenda of androgyny.

Why are fashion houses marketing clothes to children which are strongly sexual. Little girls are being sold clothes and underwear which are miniature versions of adult clothing. Padded bras for pre-teens… why?

Paris Summit on Libya

While the mantle on Prophet TV has been in Paris this week, President Sarkozy of France, and Prime Minister Cameron of the UK met with 60 world leaders to discuss the future of Libya post Gaddafi, to formally welcome the new transitional Libyan government. France and the UK, as well as other countries, have agreed to release Libyan money, previously frozen when Gaddafi was in power, to enable the new transitional government to begin the long process of rebuilding the nation.

Currently Gaddafi and his son, heir-apparent, Saif al-Islam are still at large, and are vowing to fight-on to the death; however Gaddafi’s son Saadi has said he would like to enter peaceful negotiations.

It was in March of this year, while Prophet TV was in the city, that Sarkozy took the initiative to rally international support for missile strikes against the Gaddafi regime in a bid to bolster the rebel forces battling the dictator. Up until this point Sarkozy had been reluctant to become involved, and his sudden change of direction and zeal, to come to an international decision on Libya, surprised many.

Prophet TV is again in Paris, and we support the Prophet in his intercession as so many key governmental figures from around the world meet to discuss this important issue.


Hurricane Irene

Saturday 27th August saw the first hurricane to hit the American mainland since September 2008, when Hurricane Ike hit the US. Hurricane Irene was billed by politicians and the media as a potential monster, at one point being forecast as a possible category 4 hurricane. Much was made of the projected path through Manhattan and New York city. Major Bloomberg called a state of emergency and urged residents to leave the city, as the media hyped the situation and fear took hold. However, ICOTG Manhattan opted to stay in the city and protect their region, property and local people. The church met together, shared communion and prayed over the city; prophesying that the forecast destruction would not hit.

As the storm raged through North Carolina, Maryland and Baltimore causing extensive damage and loss of life (48 people were killed by the hurricane), forecasters were still predicting a direct hit for Manhattan New York. However, as the storm approached, the path suddenly turned to the west, and the the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm. The ICOTG New York gateway reported heavy rain, which caused a little flooding, but the major destruction and potential loss of life within the city never happened, for which we thank God, and honor our church in Manhattan, for their faithful intercession. Especially at this time when the financial markets are so fragile.

However, the now ‘tropical storm’ continued to travel north to Massachusetts and Vermont. Vermont suffered record breaking flooding, and power cuts; the people left bewildered by the force of nature asking, “Why Vermont?”

Prophet TV’s gateways have a long track record of deflecting storms. ICOTG Florida have seen many hurricanes change course and not hit their area. Prophet TV seeks to raise up warriors who can stand in their regions to protect them against these destructive influences – “when the enemy comes in like a flood, God raises up a standard.”

Hurricane Irene’s power may have been curtailed, and the important Manhattan region was protected, however Vermont was not. Vermont could have been protected against the devastation, had sons of God stood in the authority of Jesus to protect their region.

Current estimates predict Hurricane Irene will cost America over $10 billion to repair the damage, with the Fed to provide $7 billion of this, making Hurricane Irene one of the top ten worst natural disasters in America’s history. This is money America can ill afford at this time; money the average American will have to pay. But it is money we need not be spending, if the church walked in the authority available to us through Jesus Christ, and we stood to protect our regions against the demonic being released throughout this nation by the worship of other gods and witchcraft.

It takes years for God to purge, test and temper you, so He can put a permanent heavy mantle on you to resist this level of demonic destruction.

This process is not easy, in fact it is the “Great Tribulation” the bible speaks of, though it has been mis-taught in the popular Christian sub-culture.

Most Christians, including the leaders of the body, do not have this level of authority and have not gone through this process or even understand it, even though they teach the bible, and raise up more that do not have the authority to stop destruction in their regions.

NOTE:  Jesus was not half way around the world praying to stop the storm,  He was on the boat IN THE STORM, and broke the power !

It is the same with us.

We must have boots on the ground.

NOTE:  Because the ICOTG gatekeepers in New York chose to submit to the process of God and his prophet, (and it has been hell for them, going through “great tribulation” for over a year, as God continues to do a quick work), when the prophet told them to leave NY, they responded “We will not, we are here to represent God and protect our city”,

This too, was God testing their hearts and conviction…

God spoke through the prophet, “because of your heart, I am temporarily putting a 10 fold mantle upon you, and even as you raise your hand and face the storm, it will dissipate around your position, even as you saw the woman stand and the water be deflected in the x-men”.

This is exactly what happened and the news media in NY is now being accused of hyping the storm and they cannot explain what happened to deflect and dissipate it’s destruction as it hit Manhattan.

Note: 10,000 praying a miss, cannot compare to one obedient servant going through God’s process so God can put an anointing or gift on you.  It is God’s anointing or specific gifts and mantles, that break the yoke, not the preaching or teaching or even the praying of the religious.

Note: these gifts are never taken from you, but you will go through “Great Tribulation” before God can trust you with this level of power.

Because many popular leaders themselves, have not submitted to God’s process, God cannot trust the leaders of the body with this level of power.

A leader can and will never teach what he doesn’t know, but instead will turn the gospel message away from the process and power of God, to a constant focus on your behavior and your sin nature.

Hence the problems we see in the world today, No sons of God to meet Him in the clouds and rule and reign.

Submit to God’s process, let God have His way with you.

Listen to the BTW’S (Building The Warrior) as they will give great insight to God’s process.

Do not mock or blaspheme the Holy Spirit on God’s prophet, a fallible man yes, but one who has gone through God’s process and God Himself has poured out gifts upon him and confirms him with signs and wonders as He is the servant of the most high God.


Raising you up with a clear revelation of the power of God!

Tibetan Buddhist Event in Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica

There is the be a Tibetan Buddhist Lama teaching in the Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica, and another event in Mariana Del Rey, August 5th, 6th, and 7th.

A member of the Prophet TV team contacted the head of Presbyterian church in Kentucky to inform them occult rituals were being conducted in their churches. They were unconcerned by this. The Presbyterian church has a history of hosting these events, as well as exhibitions and sand mandala ceremonies; in Santa Monica and in other locations in America. After our conversation with the head office in Kentucky a freak plane crash occurred nearby. What the heads of these denominations do not understand is that when you welcome these spirits in, you come under their canopy: but the leaders of the Presbyterian church do not believe in the spirit realm, they are ruled by their intellect. How sad this is, that a denomination birthed by the Holy Spirit, with a powerful prophetic heritage has allowed itself to fall under the control of the devil!

Stand with our Santa Monica and Marina Del Rey gatekeepers at this time in prayer, as they faithfully continues to prayer walk these hard areas to protect this region from these Tibetan spirits being welcomed in.


Credit Rating Agencies to Review US AAA Rating

President Obama and leading cross-party congressmen are continuing to try and break the deadlock of the deficit reducing measures required, before Congress will allow the increase in government debt, before the August 2nd deadline.

Talks continue to end in stalemate, and yesterday saw President Obama, famous for keeping his cool, loosing it and storming out of talks. With elections next year no party wants to concede ground, or appear to cause an American debt default, which could happen if the ceiling is not lifted before August 2nd.

Today the pressure to reach a deal intensified with news that the Moody rating agency is “reviewing” the American AAA rating, with a view to downgrade the rating over fears America may default on her debts. Moody’s have previously said they are looking for a speedy resolution to the credit limit issue. Furthermore the rating agency S&P have also come out to say they too are looking at the US credit rating, and have gone as far to say there is a one in two chance of a downgrade; fearing the political entrenchment is worsening.

A default on debt would carry catastrophic consequences to the global economy, plunging the West back into recession, domestically social security payments would not be made, and government employees would not be paid.

This is a key time for the financial stability of the US and the world, Christians need to pray for her leaders to forge a wise road ahead. Support Prophet TV as the Washing DC mission continues, and we seek to block the demonic trying to access Washington via the Kalachakra rituals.



This week saw the arrest of the Mobster James “Whitney” Bulger in Santa Monica. The gangster, with Mafia connections, had been on the FBI’s most wanted list for 16 years. FBI agents were amazed to find the gangster so far from his home city of Boston.

Just days before this event, Dali Lama was doing one of his signature rituals for taking over the hearts and minds of the nation (as was done in Nazi Germany), right in Washington D.C., in the Senate, White House, etc.

So important was it to get in the “zone”, the Boston gatekeeper as well the New York gatekeeper joined this important and strategic mission in D.C.

Our Prophet, under a heavy mantle during the Protect D.C. mission, where the Dali lama continued Rituals in the Senate, House of Representatives, White House and the Mandola at Verizon Center, later pouring into the Potomac River to invite in “wrathful deities” to bring destruction against the USA, was in the Zone with the Prophet from Boston, Whitey’s home town. Now, Pay attention.

The mantle on the Prophet was to protect D.C., and once the monks knew ICOTG was in the zone, the millions of dollars they raised at their Mandola ceremony at the Verizon Center, enabled the monks to do a sustained presence in D.C., however the Prophet was forced to cut the mission short due to lack of support.

Again, the monks literally stayed across the hall in the same hotel as the ICOTG team, and would do rituals against the team, in the hotel, outside the door at night.

They knew ICOTG was there to attempt to block the demonic destruction they would call down upon the USA and the East Coast.

Prophet.TV broadcast live all during the Dali Lama’s speeches from the Senate, and during the Mandola evocation being performed in the Verizon center.

But to no avail, as the religious television networks, hard at work hiring creative people to come up with yet another money making event to distract the intercessors, was very effective in diverting the attention of Gods people. You have heard of the CALL to hollywood, and now the CRY for hollywood, maybe we should have thrown a Whine for hollywood but spelled it wine, and included some excellent vintages from France, no?

The results of a botched mission due to yet another successful religious distraction is as follows:

The resulting earthquake was the 1st to hit Washington D.C. since the Phallic symbol known as the Washington Monument was installed, as was felt all up and down the east coast, only to be followed by the most devastating hurricane along the exact same route, with damages further destroying America’s fragile economy. It was only our faithful NY gatekeeper that stood in the gap, and the hurricane dissipated around her position.

The mantle was intended for Washington D.C., including a sustained presence.

Our prophet lamented and lamented as he knew he needed to stay to protect the Head of America and the east coast, but no funds forced the mantle back into Santa Monica, and that which was hidden in Santa Monica (instead of Washington D.C.) came to the light…

The Whitney Bouldger arrest came as the Mantle re-entered Santa Monica.

Whitney had been hidden for 15 years, but the increased D.C. anointing surfaced his hiding place, only blocks from the Santa Monica PTV location.

Whitey was not the target, protecting Washington D.C., and the East Coast, and our nation from bleeding money due to all the ritual created un-natural disasters, was the target.

Congratulations again to the “beast” the “666” religious media/marketing for stealing money in the name of what God was doing calling it, what god is doing, and keeping the body successfully off, yet another key time and target that God wanted conquered ! ! !

Which is EXACTLY why Jesus, who knew you, 666 religious beasts, said it would get worse…
are you listening John, founder of “the countdown to destruction”?

Well now we know there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell, to avert destruction… when the very intercessors meant to stand in the gap are “hooked” and led into confusion by the incredibly powerful money machine known as the religious media… hmm.. we need more money this week, hey I got it, lets go to Israel for yet another boat tour…

Good luck everyone else…

77 Army Cadets Hit by Lightening

This week has seen 77 army cadets hit by lightening whist on their military base in Mississippi. The incident happened during a severe thunderstorm. The cadets were taken to hospital, and are recovering.

Prophet TV has been reporting for years about the systematic targeting of the entire region surrounding the Mississippi River by Tibetan Monks, who use their demonic rituals to evoke powerful water spirits. The water spirits effect the weather in the region, with the purpose of bringing destruction. These are the same water spirits Jesus took authority over.

This spring has already seen the Bible belt region devastated by the worst tornado season in 50 years. Prophet TV has warned as the church remains asleep we will continue to see these terrible events hit the entire region where these spirits are being evoked. It is time the church wakes up, and walks in the authority to rule and reign in their regions, ushering in the Kingdom of God. Support Prophet TV and go to high levels in the Spirit, so you can learn to use the authority Jesus gave us to deal with demonic seeking to destroy the church.



So far…

Three of Four Elements


First of all let us ask those devastated throughout the mid west “Bible Belt” to forgive spiritual leaders for being stubborn, not listening and learning what God had been trying to teach: to protect our nation from the onslaught.

When a Pastor becomes a limiter God has no choice but to take his friend, the Shepherd home, according to the bible.

Mississippi Flooding, God tries to raise a standard to PROTECT !

Why did Pastor Dave Wilkerson, founder of Times Square Church tragically die in an automobile accident in Texas?

Why did destruction hit the BIBLE BELT?

Can we expect more?

How did the witchcraft show called “WICKED” find it’s home directly across the street from Times Square Church in Manhattan NY continuing to prosper these 8 years?

For those with eyes to see only!

The bible says strike first the Shepherd, so the sheep go to another level of revelation, thus preparing them for the next level, necessary to protect the USA in the days ahead!

If you can handle eyes wide open



Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Midwest


This last week has seen the deadliest outbreak of Tornadoes in the Midwest in nearly 40 years. So far the death toll stands at 272, however this is likely to rise yet further. In the worst affected regions, such as Tuscaloosa, Alabama, whole neighbourhoods have been destroyed, the mayor of the city has said that in Tuscaloosathe infrastructure is “absolutely decimated”. In the worst affected regions whole buildings are being reported missing and falling debris is now a real risk to people and buildings.

Meteorologists do not believe the Midwest has seen the end of this deadly season. With the tornado season spanning spring- early summer more could be on the way, with Sean Morris the CNN Meteorologist quoted as saying, “This could be one of the most devastating tornado outbreaks in the nation’s history by the time it’s over.” The 2011 tornado season has started quickly, and has already caused more damage in two days than the whole season in 2010.

In the wake of the tornadoes, regions around the Mississippi River and Ohio River are witnessing record flooding, and the water levels are still rising.

The financial cost of this years tornado season is yet to be counted, it is an added financial burden the nation could do without.

The latest wave of storms this week has come a week after another tornado system killed 10 people in Arkansas, and 1 in Mississippi.

Tornadoes occur when the warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico collides with the cool northern air, creating a massive storm. However, for years Prophet TV has been fighting the water spirits behind these phenomena. Repeatedly we have shown when a Son of God stands in a region and builds a wall of protection around that region destruction does not hit. The Presence of God creates a bubble of protection, where the demonic cannot enter. The Gulf of Mexico is the source of much VooDoo, practised throughout the Caribbean region, particularly in Haiti.

The source of the Mississippi in Iowa is the location of a three-dimensional mandala. The creation of mandalas also evokes water spirits. These two seemingly different practises both evoke the same spirits, that seek to bring death and destruction- in particular to the church.

The Midwest is famous as the “Bible Belt”, where are the Christians in this region protecting against these water spirits, which destroy their property and kill their families? Jesus dealt with water spirits in His ministry, but the white American church does not understand these spiritual powers waring against them. It is time to wake up and walk in the Power and Dominion Jesus died to give His church.

Partner with Prophet TV, and go through the Building the Warrior Series to learn how to protect your family and city from this destruction.



Three-Dimensional Mandala Created in Iowa

Buddhists have a deep understanding of the spiritual realm; more so than most of the church. They use many different practises to evoke their gods to influence the world. The practises of Buddhism evoke water spirits, the same spirits evoked in VooDoo, and these spirits create destruction in the places they are evoked.

The spirit of the Dalai Lama was over Nazi Germany, after members of the SS visited Tibet, and brought back the rituals used in Tibetan Buddhism. The swastika and the skull and cross bone are both Nazi symbols taken from Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhism has now entered America and is gaining control over the nation. The Dalai Lama comes preaching “peace, peace” however destruction follows. When the Buddhist monks evoke their gods, they say bring peace, prosperity, healing and compassion we see deadly tornadoes, fires, stock market falling, hurricanes…

Now in Iowa on the Northern banks of the Mississippi River there is a three dimensional mandala being built. In Buddhist tradition there are “special monuments” they say possess “powerful energetic abilities” to remove “negativity”. One such monument it the three dimensional mandala. However, these wrathful deities have one objective: removing the Spirit of God, so they can control the region.

One of these deities, believed to be a “remover of obstacles” is a god named Vajrakilaya. This god although meant to bring peace and compassion is surrounded in fire and is filled with fury. The mandala in Iowa is a full scale Vajrakilaya mandala, similar to the only other such mandala in Bhutan. The Phurba Peace Mandala will be the first full scale three dimensional mandala in North America.

The location of the Phurba Peace Mandala has been very carefully chosen. In America’s past this location was sacred to the Native Americans, and as the Buddhist lamas state it is “geographically suited for the maximum energetic effect”!

Since the mandalas evoke water spirits they require to be located near water. The Mississippi river divides America, and is the longest river in the world. The location is also on a major migratory bird route, for 40% of all waterfowl and 60% of bird species in North America. In Buddhist tradition birds are very important and speaks of female ‘sky-movers,’ the dakinis, who are often depicted as birds, they are also believed to carry “messages”. Consider the level of demonic which such a project is to evoke, and these water spirits find their way the great Mississippi River, flowing across America, through the Bible Belt. These spirits want to destroy the church, consider the destruction this month has seen in the Midwest due the the deadly tornadoes?

The Dalai Lama has a planned strategy for taking over America. He comes with his message of peace, but what is the fruit? Where is the peace, health, compassion, and prosperity in nations like Tibet, Bhutan and India (Buddhism has it origins in Hinduism).

The Spirit of God can overcome these powerful deities. However the majority of the church is not walking in the Power of God, and fails to take dominion over the spirit realm. When will the Bible Belt wake up and begin to rule and reign with Christ, building a hedge of protection so the demonic cannot bring destruction in these regions?


Riders say N.Y. bus crash driver swerved

Passengers and witnesses to a horrific New York City crash that sheared the top off a bus headed for Manhattan’s Chinatown and killed 14 people told investigators that the driver’s account of getting clipped by a tractor-trailer didn’t match up to what they felt and saw before the vehicle slid off the road and into a sign pole.

Driver Ophadell Williams had told police that his World Wide Tours bus was hit just as it crossed the New York City line early Saturday on a trip from the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut.

But passengers said Williams had already swerved at times to the right for no reason before the accident, a law-enforcement official said Sunday. The official wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the probe and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The bus was returning to New York’s Chinatown after a quick overnight trip to the casino. The official said that passengers said they didn’t feel anything hit them and that other motorists on the interstate highway said they didn’t see the bus get hit. The official said police spoke to the tractor-trailer driver, who said he was following the bus.

via Official: Riders say N.Y. bus crash driver swerved –