San Francisco County – highest number of Gay and Lesbian Couples in Cali, but whats up with DC?

Unsurprisingly, San Francisco County data shows the highest number of gay and lesbian couples in California according to demographic census analysis by the Williams Institute.

What may or may not be surprising though, is that California ranks fourth in the nation at 7.8 couples per 1000.  First is the District of Columbia at a staggering 18.08 couples per 1000.

See Institute reports same-sex couples by county | Politics Blog | an blog.

One thought on “San Francisco County – highest number of Gay and Lesbian Couples in Cali, but whats up with DC?”

  1. Wow, almost like a disease with a mind of its own deliberately targeting the nations capital…where decisions that affect the entire country are made.

    Got to hand it to them, gay people really know what areas to target to get their way. Now if only the church was this savvy!

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