Tag Archives: mob

Union bosses could be saying “They just don’t get us! They don’t get who we are!”

The average teacher earns about $44,000 while their senior level bosses earn about $500,000.  This is rubbing some teachers the wrong way.

Not only are teachers being given pay freezes and/or facing layoffs, but they are also supporting union leadership salaries that have increased, 20% last year alone.

Take Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  Between 2010 and 2011.  Her salary increased to just over $400,000.  Or, Dennis Van Roekel, head of the National Education Association (NEA), his pay went to a little over $360,000.

In addition, when you include the stipends and other reimbursed expenses, their real take home pay would be in the order of $493,859 and $460,060 respectively.

The higher pay is not isolated to these two either.  An addition, 600 employees at the AFT and NEA take home over $100,000 according to Gary Beckner, the Association of American Educators Executive Director.

When you therefore compare teachers salaries to executives of unions there is about a 10 fold increase.

The relationship with unions, our current economy, Chicago style politics, a mob type environment or mentality has been explained in detail recently by prophet.tv.

Source article Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News.

Referenced article Hey Biden! We Get You!

Mob Attackin Norfolk, Va, Nothing Being Done Due To Racial Issues

On April 14th a mob of 30 black youths attacked an Iranian white couple in an unprovoked attack in Norfolk, Virginia. Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami were sitting at a stop light, when a black teenager threw a rock at their car. Foster stepped out of the car to confront the teen, at which point the mob attacked him. When his girlfriend tried to pull Foster back into car, the gang attacked her as well. Foster and Rostami are both local newspaper reporters, though nothing was written about the incident until May 1st.

Police initially classed the attack as a “simple assault”, rather than a racially motivated “hate crime”. Though 100 people witnessed the mob attack, only one 16 year old has been arrested  and little media coverage, suggesting the story has been hushed up.

Prophet TV has been reporting on the significance of racial division in America.
The demons influencing Charles Mason, spoke to him about a future black-white war.
Can we really believe that, had a black couple been attacked by a mob of white youths, the media would have remained silent?