Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Biden Admin 44.6 Percent Capital Gains Tax Proposal A 100-Year High

President Joe Biden’s proposal to increase the top capital gains tax rate could be the highest such tax rate in over a century. The combined federal-state rate could exceed 50% in several states when factoring in state capital gains taxes. For instance, California residents would potentially face a 59% rate, while those in New Jersey, Oregon, Minnesota, and New York could confront rates ranging from 53.4% to 55.3%.

Read More:  Newsmax

20% Of Minnesota Democratic Primary Voters Pick ‘Uncommitted’ Over Biden

A week after over 100,000 Democratic voters declined to cast a ballot for President Joe Biden in the Michigan primary, more than 45,000 Minnesota Democrats — nearly 20% of those who participated in the party’s Minnesota primary election on Super Tuesday — voted “uncommitted.”

Both Minnesota and Michigan could be crucial for the president to hold onto in the 2024 election after his victories in both states helped propel him to a win in 2020 over former President Donald Trump.

Read More:  Daily Wire

Banks File 6 Suspicious Activity Reports Flagging Joe Biden’s Address

Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware and raised concerns about possible criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first family’s finances for years.

Read More:  Just The News