Category Archives: Connecting The Dots


The radical left and their Big Tech lapdogs divide our country for their profit, creating culture wars by threatening to silence anyone who disagrees with them. What’s worse, even as we’re being censored by Big Tech, they continue to make massive profits off us by selling and exploiting our personal data! All this is precisely why I trust and use ExpressVPN to protect myself online—and you should, too.

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Ben Shapiro

New York City Mandates Proof of Vaccine for Public Spaces

New York City has mandated that businesses must see proof of vaccination from patrons. Restaurants, gyms, and other indoor establishments will require people to be vaccinated before entering.

The Democrat mayor has hinted that more severe measures against the unvaccinated are forthcoming.

“We’ve got to shake people at this point and say, ‘Come on now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate. Free testing, everywhere you turn, incentives, friendly, warm embrace. The voluntary phase is over,” he said during an appearance on MSNBC last week.

“It’s time for mandates, because it’s the only way to protect our people,” he added, doubling down during Monday’s press briefing.

“More and more, there’s going to be a reality where, if you’re vaccinated, a world of opportunity opens up to you. If you’re not vaccinated, there’s going to be more and more things you can’t do,” de Blasio warned.

“I say that to say, ‘go get vaccinated, so you can fully participate in the life of this city,’ because that’s where things are going,” he added.

Read More: Breitbart

UN Seeks “New Social Norms” For the Spreading of “Real” News

The United  Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have joined forces to seek out “wrong information” and try to create new “social norms” for the spreading of news and information over social media. The two globalist organisations are to set up a new global coronavirus news service.

“When COVID-19 emerged, it was clear from the outset this was not just a public health emergency, but a communications crisis as well,” Melissa Fleming, chief of global communications for the United Nations, said.

“We’re trying to create this new social norm called ‘pause – take care before you share’,” Fleming continued. “We’re equipping people, through this new social norm, with a bit of ‘information scepticism’.”

Read More: Breitbart

World Economic Forum Pioneers of Change Summit

The World Economic Forum will be hosting their Pioneers of Change Summit, November 16th-20th. The Summit will address the challenges and look to the opportunities created by the Covid 19 pandemic.

The World Economic Forum as been looking at this moment in history to bring about the Great Reset. This will look to build a more environmentally sustainable future, enhance digital enterprise and consider how to reimagine our world moving forward.

Read More: World Economic Forum


The Media Is Dividing Our Country- Why?

The number one influence on people is media, and I blame media as a whole for the myopic mindset that the American people have, as a whole, rabidly adopted.

If media would consistently report evenhandedly, as professional journalism requires, we would be living in a completely different political and social climate.

But it’s all about click bait and who says something before anyone else. It’s driven the populace a little crazy. To think any one guy will turn that around is a bit naive. It will take us, the people, to demand the media report responsibly.

For example, after the embarrassment of the last election reporting Hillary ahead by miles and slam dunk winning long before one vote was cast showed glaring bias and outright lying, we should have demanded resignations and not just rolled over.

Now we at another election cycle. Same cast and crew.

Accurate reporting is nowhere to be found. It’s just….What have they been told to say now? Zero cred on both sides. So the people would be better off flying blind then being mislead.

But we can’t get away from media overreach.

Until journalism returns to valuing personal and professional integrity, maybe fines for lying may be in order.

Hey, that might balance the budget in a day or two!!

Bonus !

Kamala Harris Most Liberal Senator in 2019

Kamala Harris scored as the most liberal senator in 2019. She came ahead of Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

According to, an organization tracking US Congress and ranking senators on their voting record, which is “one of the oldest government transparency websites in the world,” said Harris, D-Calif., was “ranked most liberal compared to All Senators” in 2019.

The ranking is in stark opposition to the Democrats portrayal of Harris as a “pragmatic moderate.”

Read More: Fox News

China is Collecting DNA Samples from Tens of Millions of Males

Across China tens of millions of men and boys are being compelled to give blood samples for the government’s DNA mapping project. The Chinese government have been collecting samples since 2017, and the data will be paired with the country’s wider surveillance program.

The aim is to genetically map the countries 700 million males. With the database the authorities will be able to track down the male relatives of any citizen in the country.

A U.S. company, Thermo Fisher, has come under fire for selling the Chinese government the testing kits used in the program.

The genetic testing along with the extensive surveillance databases Beijing have created is an increasing worry to minority groups in the country. Christian and Muslim minorities have already been targeted by the government. As well as those who have criticised Beijing or who seek greater freedom in the country.

Read More: New York Times