Tag Archives: Obama

Obama is winning the money race | Washington Free Beacon

BY: Matthew Continetti

September 28, 2012


For months now I’ve been receiving fundraising emails from the Obama campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the various Democratic congressional committees, and the occasional Democratic campaign. The apocalyptic message of these emails has been mind-numbingly repetitive: A cabal of superrich businessmen is out to deny Barack Obama reelection and install as president Mitt Romney, who will line their pockets in return. Nothing less than the future of democracy is at risk. Donate now—before it’s too late. Recently, though, the emails have been less apocalyptic. And this is why:  The Democrats’ hysterical solicitations have worked. Not only did Obama outraise Romney in the month of August, he has outraised and out-spent Romney altogether. Listen to Ken Vogel and Dave Levinthal of Politico: “Through the end of August, Romney’s campaign and the party committees and Super PAC supporting it had raised $736 million, compared to $774 million raised by Obama’s campaign and its party and Super PAC allies.” So forget about the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson. If you want to know how to buy an election, ask the Democrats. The saga of Obama and campaign finance is a case study in cynicism. Throughout his career, Obama has portrayed himself as an opponent of money in politics, even as he has exploited the system at every turn. He said in 2008 that he would take public financing, but then became the first nominee in history to opt out. He said in this cycle that he would not allow his associates to fundraise for a Super PAC, but then changed his mind. He has attacked anonymous political giving, but dispatched Joe Biden to appeal to the shadowy Democracy Alliance last November. He pays no price when he makes such reversals. He and his supporters meekly lament that he is a victim of circumstance. The press nods….. to read the rest of this article click on the link below:

via Obama is winning the money race | Washington Free Beacon.

Senators join suit over Obama’s constitutional powers

U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns along with 41 other senators has filed an amicus brief in a challenge to challenge constitutionality of President Obama’s “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board in January. Republicans argue that the Senate was still in session, not in recess, making the Presidents appointments illegal.

Obama made the appointments whilst Senators were still on their Christmas and New Year break, and the Senate was operating on a pro forma basis. Obama therefore decided the Senate was on recess.

If the appeals court sides with the Republicans it could invalidate a host of decisions already passed by the National Labor Relations Board.

White House Attempt To Give Millions To Egypt Meets Resistance

On Friday, Congress was notified by the Obama administration that it would be sending $450 million to Egypt.  This $450 million is part of a $1 billion package that Obama had pledged to Egypt in 2011 for debt forgiveness to the United States.

The administration however has met resistance.

The direction of Egypt’s course under the Muslim Brotherhood, its policies, local protests against the American Embassy located in Cairo and how the Obama administration has handled crisis in Islamic regions has left some wondering why the US continues to send aid.

Kay Granger, a Texan Republican who is chairwoman of the House appropriations subcommittee that is responsible for managing foreign aid, said that she would block this aid distribution.

The US relationship with Egypt “has never been under more scrutiny” than it is now.  Granger goes on to say, “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time”.

However, Hillary Clinton speaking in New York on Friday, indicated that the world should do more in supporting the regions that have experienced the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings.

This debate comes at a time when Egypt is in an economic crisis.  They are currently facing a $12 billion deficit in their budget.


UN Attempting Power & Money Grab Supported by Influential Occupy Supporter

The United Nations (UN) attempt to grab money and further power is not new.  “Innovative methods of financing” is the latest term they are using to describe their actions.

Examples: A 1% worldwide billionaires tax, a currency trading tax, a tax on all financial dealings (stock, bond and derivative trading), a carbon emissions tax or an airline ticket tax.

These ideas are supported at UN meetings.  The idea is that the UN would be in charge of these funds and “redistribute” the funds to poorer countries.

Also supporting these measures is Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs is a vocal Occupy Wall Street supporter and “climate change” fighter.

Sachs also happens to be the leader of the Earth Institute, from Columbia University and a UN Assistant Secretary General.  Part of his (UN) duties are to work with UN agencies and “multilateral financing institutions and other international organizations” to (in large part) fight climate change.  To do so he was appointed head of a new lobbying group named the Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

This week Sachs was noted to have been promoting a U.S. carbon tax to fight “climate change” by calling on President Obama.  He has also been quoted “I’m happy to have the future pay for a lot of this. It doesn’t have to be current financed.” by Bloomberg News.


Alec Baldwin thinks Barack Obama would be doing better in the polls if he was white

On Tuesday, Alec Baldwin took to his foundation’s Twitter account to tweet, “If Obama was white, he’d be up by 17 points.” Of course, the polls show that people are far more likely to vote for an African American for President than they are a Mormon.

To start the segment, Glenn reminded listeners that this was a man who had made some pretty horrible comments to loved ones in the past, showing that he is clearly dealing with some issues and is not a very happy person.

“The biggest spiritual leaders always, they weep because you’re missing who you really are.  Don’t you see who you really are?  They can see it.  Because they see it in themselves.  This guy doesn’t see anything but a black hole.  He’s got an abyss in him.  And I feel bad for Alec Baldwin.  I mean, I don’t know him, you know, and I’m sure he doesn’t care about my pity.  But he’s not a happy man,” Glenn said.

“And it’s really not that hard, Alec, when you get out of your own way, it’s really not that hard.  Believe me, I spent most of my life not being a happy man.  It’s not that hard to get out of your own way and be a happy man.  You cannot see what America really is if that’s your vantage point,” he added.

Turning his attention to Baldwin’s tweet, Glenn wondered if Romney would be up an additional ten percent if he wasn’t Mormon.

Stu explained, “We have polling to back this up.  18% of people won’t vote for Mitt Romney because he’s Mormon.  4% of people won’t vote for Barack Obama because he’s black.  18 to 4.  That’s in polling.  That’s not me making it up.  That’s been shown over and over again that there’s a large gap between those two groups.  People don’t want to vote for a Mormon.  At this point in American history, they have no problem voting for an African‑American.  In fact, the polling shows that people are less likely to vote for a Catholic than they are to vote for an African‑American.  So you could sit here and blame race all you want for the terrible, terrible performance of the guy you elected, but that is why he’s having problems here.  He has the most favorable media of any president in American history and he’s still struggling to clear 43% in approval rating.”

more at Alec Baldwin thinks Barack Obama would be doing better in the polls if he was white – Glenn Beck.

Madonna calls President Obama a black Muslim

Madonna asked everyone in the audience of her Washington, DC performance Monday night to vote for President Obama because he is a “black Muslim.””Y’all better vote for fking Obama, OK? For better or for worse, all right?” the shouted from stage while sipping from a bottle of water with a straw. “”We have a black Muslim in the White House! Now that’s some amazing st.” Madonna, 54, also stripped down to her bra to reveal “Obama” stenciled in big letters on her back, before promising or warning?: “When Obama is in the White House for a second term Ill take it all off.” President Obama is not a Muslim. Or is He?

more Madonna calls President Obama a black Muslim, says shell strip onstage if he wins second term | Fox News.

UN General Assembly Opens in New York

The UN General Assembly opened today in New York. The annual gathering of world leaders will see 116 heads of state and government leaders meeting in New York. This year discussions will be dominated by the civil war raging in Syria as well as the heightened tensions between Israel and Iran. Also on the agenda is the continued economic crisis in Europe.

On Tuesday President Obama will address the assembly as well as the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and French President Francois Hollande. Wednesday will see the controversial Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in past years his speeches have seen mass walk outs of delegates, appalled by his hate-filled rhetoric. On Thursday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will both be speaking. Last year the issue of Palestinian statehood was on the agenda, however it is believed this year the matter will be sidelined.

The gathering ends on Monday October 1st. The week will allow meetings of different delegates to discuss in detail the Middle East issues as well as the economic problems facing the world.


The controversial British historian Niall Ferguson has used a cover piece in Newsweek magazine to argue that it is time Obama “hit the road”. In the piece Ferguson compares Obama’s pre-election promises with his record as President and then argues why he believes it is time for a new President.

The economic historian and Fellow of Harvard University, has spoken extensively about the need for economic reforms and the unsustainability of western debt. Ferguson writes:

“Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit,” Ferguson writes. “We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits.”

Recently Ferguson raised eyebrows by claiming if young America knew what was good for them they would all join the tea-party.

Ferguson uses the lessons of economic history, to inform his political analysis of current events. He has been an advisor to politicians in America as well as in the UK. He teaches on the rise and fall of civilisations throughout history, and although he has not written America off, he understands that she is in a perilous place, and her place as the leader of the free world should not be taken for granted – America could fall, like many great nations before her.


Over recent years tensions have steadily heightened between Israel and Iran, as Iran continues to pursue nuclear weapons.  It is thought that Israel were behind cyber attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities that slowed the Iranian nuclear program, but failed to disable it completely.

Now Iran have moved their operations deep underground in the mountains of Natanz. Israel are keen to strike Natanz, before the Iranian’s progress in their nuclear program reaches the point of no return.

There are now reports that Israel has told President Obama, if he does not decide on a course of action that will see an end to Iran’s nuclear program by September 25th, then Israel will go it alone.

New intelligence has emerged which seems to show that Iran are much further down the road to building a nuclear bomb than the West had previously thought.

Obama is not keen to be seen to be going to war immediately before an election. But Israel knows time is short, and a nuclear Iran is a prospect no one wants to consider. We have reported on the dangers facing Israel at this time, and why Iran are so singleminded in their desire to destroy Israel.

Romney would back Israeli strike against Iran

Mitt Romney would support Israel’s decision to launch a military strike against Iran to keep that country from achieving nuclear capabilities, but hopes diplomatic and military measures will dissuade Tehran from pursuing its path toward nuclear acquisition, a top foreign policy adviser for the GOP presidential candidate said Sunday.“Gov. Romney believes we should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course, and it is his fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so,” said adviser Dan Senor, previewing a speech Romney is scheduled to make Sunday afternoon. ”In the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded. Gov. Romney recognizes Israels right to defend itself, and that it is right for America to stand with it.” Romney is on a seven-day overseas trip that started Friday in England, will continue this weekend in Israel and conclude in Poland.  Senor said Romney thinks preventing nuclear “capability” – not just a nuclear weapon – is critical.

more at: Romney would back Israeli strike against Iran, senior adviser says | Fox News.